Smelly feet in a GOOD way! { DIY Feet Scrubs }
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DIY Feet Scrubs
- 500ml Castor Sugar
- 85ml Oil (Sunflower)
- 10ml Peppermint Essence
Mix the castor sugar and peppermint essence together. Once this is done slowly add the oil ensuring the scrubs starts to look like wet sand.
How will my feet feel after this scrub?
- If you have tired feet that need to be pampered, then this scrub is the answer to all your questions.
- Not only will your feet feel more revitalized, you will also have smooth feet which will smell like amazing peppermint tarts that you may just want to lick your toes.
- Peppermint Essence are used to heal, and I don’t mean the heels on your feet.
- They will heal aches and pains and this will come in handy when you scrub your feet and you will also have that soothing and tingling feeling which you could say is a massage in its own.